Dave's Gourmet - Ghost Pepper Naga Jolokia Hot Sauce

Dave's Gourmet
United States
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Chili)
Ghost Pepper,Naga Jolokia, Hot Pepper Extract, Salt, Vegetable Oil, Roasted Garlic Pulp, Acetic Acid
Official: ""So Hot It's Spooky". Slightly hotter than "the new hottest sauce in the universe" (Ultimate Insanity). This sauce is distinctive for the sweet fruity flavor that sits over the top of the sauce's heat."User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by PSki80 on July 10th, 2017
Clear and effective. Not much to report. There's a pepper with sunglasses on the beach sunbathing.
A darker, medium consistency sauce. Finely processed and (i think) ideal for mixing in a sauce or chili.
Smells absolutely great. Smokey.
This sauce has a very smoky taste that I think would do excellent in certain applications like bbq or chili. I've used about a half a bottle so far to spice up my lunch chicken and wouldn't recommend it for this application. I'm giving it a 3 because, although the taste is very good for what it is, it's not a well rounded sauce.
This is a hot sauce that has a sharpness to it. And it is hot. Not "Oh I eat Taco Bell diablo sauce all the time so this will be cake walk" hot, but big league hot. Use caution at first to properly determine how much to use. Contrary to other reviewers, I don't think it lingers long though.
This is a fantastic smokey hot sauce, and I am dreaming of using it in my next chili because I think it will be magic in that application. I also imagine a bit would be fantastic mixed in my favorite BBQ sauce. I personally don't think it shines as a spread or for general use, and would advice only using it when you want a smokey flavor.
Reviewed by Viatical on April 7th, 2017
Good label, not plain but not flashy either.
Darker red, thicker than say Franks but thinner than Sriracha. Sticks to the food but may run a bit
Smells strongly of peppers with a hint of garlic that lingers
I really enjoyed the taste of this right out of the bottle, just a pea sized amount was enough to really make me understand what I was dealing with. You get that smokey ghost pepper right away as it spreads, the garlic really didn't come in till a bit after.
This stuff is pretty damned hot. I consider myself as pretty tolerant to hot sauces and a tsp across a burger made me sweat. It hits fast and lingers. Be wary of eating it on an empty stomach
By far one of my favorite sauces when I'm looking for a lot of heat, pretty good flavor, but not wanting to ruin my night. I've put it on just about everything I eat and it fits really well. Enjoy!!
Reviewed by tbonnesen on February 21st, 2013
Not very flashy but the peppers on the beach are a nice touch.
A lighter dark red and not very thick. Smooth texture not chunky at all.
Doesn't smell very good. Has an acidic hot smell to it that doesn't smell very good.
Hot hot hot!! A penny size drop of this stuff will send you running to the frig for a gallon of milk. The heat builds gradually till about five minutes if you try enough of it. Not a very taste and sends your throat burning too. If you are looking for something hotttt then this will give you it.
Pretty hot if you aren't used to really spicy hot sauces and the ghost chili can really be felt. Takes about 20 minutes for the heat to wear of depending on how much you try.
The taste isn't great but this is a great hot sauce to show off to your friends and play a cruel trick on your friends. The deep red color makes you wonder how hot it really is and I guarantee you won't be disappointed by the heat of this sauce.
Reviewed by Jermfish719 on January 7th, 2013
Same old boring daves label. With ghost pepper across the label
pretty thick.. nice color I can smell extract..??
I smell lots of extract! This is gonna be a hot one
Heat, very hot. The taste was short n boring. Wow this is hot... Everyone must buy!!
This is hot. This is extract fueled hot hot sauce..... Very hot
Hail Daves they make some good hot sauce. Hot very very hot. This is a true example of how to make a very very hot sauce. Extract... I hate extract! Wow..... hot!