Firewalker Hot Sauce

A+4.9 / 5 1 REVIEW
Firewalker Hot Sauce Company
Asheville, NC, United States
Vinegar, Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Carrots, Habenaro Peppers, Pineapple, Garlic, Secret Spices
Official: "Unlike any hot sauce you have tried before. This is the pure flavor of Citrus and Garlic with a Lucid Habanero Kick. Made with All Natural Ingredients this hand crafted hot sauce will Brighten and Intensify your food, Never Overpower it.FIREWALKER is NOT a Novelty hot sauce, it has an everyday use heat level and never before experienced flavor.
Some of our favorite foods to heat up are Mexican, Pizza, Burgers, Sandwiches, Soups and Chili, Eggs, Dips, Marinades, Popcorn, Chex Mix, Ketchup & Ranch, and so much more!"
User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by Revchrisesq on December 18th, 2019
flames and coals, on a black background. Nothing funny or cute, just practical.
Reddish orange sauce that is cloudy.
Smells like a tasty hot sauce. It doesn’t make your eyes burn when you sniff it.
This is made with Habeneros, Garlic, Carrots, Pineapples and Oranges. I love it. Plenty hot for me, I don’t want hotter than this but all sorts of flavor bombs are set off in your mouth.
I don’t want anything hotter than this. Seems it’s like Tabasco level heat. Not sure I’d use it if it was only heat. (I rarely use Tabasco, for example) But it has wonderful flavors in addition to the heat. I use this on lots of foods.
My favorite “really hot” Sauce. Bar none. Made in Asheville NC since 2012.