Puckerbutt Pepper Co. - Reaper Squeezins

A4.5 / 5 1 REVIEW
Puckerbutt Pepper Company
Fort Mill, SC, United States
Carolina Reaper
Reaper Peppers (92%), Distilled Vinegar, Reaper Pepper Powder
Official: "The hottest and most dangerous sauce we offer. This is the hottest sauce we can produce, using all-natural Ingredients: Reaper Squeezins is very carefully crafted with the world's hottest pepper, Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper®."User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by Kebiko on June 13th, 2019
What is there to be said? Adequate. The reaper will be coming to visit soon after consuming this sauce!!
Bright red color with a thicker consistency and mash texture. Folks, this is basically reaper pepper mash in a bottle.
Admittedly, the reaper is among my least favorite super hots in terms of smell though I hold the deepest respect for the punch it packs!
As stated under the aroma category, the reaper is among my least favorite super hots in terms of taste though I hold the deepest respect for the punch it packs!
Its pepper mash and will melt your face off if consuming a decent amount of it! Tread lightly. Most suitable for hardcore chileheads.
I love pepper mash. I love Puckerbutt and Smokin Ed! Though the reaper is not my favorite of the superhot chiles, this sauce is straight up awesome. It is not for the inexperienced or faint of heart. Take care with this sauce!