Savory Accents - Blended Chilis Hot Sauce

A4.4 / 5 1 REVIEW
Savory Accents
Verona, WI, United States
Blended Chilies, Vinegar
Official: "Use our new Hot Sauce as you would Tabasco® Sauce. This will add a little (or a lot of) spice to all that you prepare, defining a whole new taste dimension."User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by Skiman1080 on September 26th, 2016
Labeling doesn't draw your eye too much, but it's a local farm making their own stuff. Taste is much more important, where they nailed it!
Not too thick and not too runny, just right
Perfectly balanced. Not overpowering and all natural. My vegan brother even liked it!
This hotsauce is delicious! It packs a pretty good punch with a nice bit of after heat while still not being overbearing. I like hot sauce on everything and this is my new everyday go to. I bought it at the farmers market in Madison, Wisconsin and tried to fly back to Maryland with it and security took it. Definitely need to order a case and have them ship it! Enjoy
Perfect for an everyday hot sauce. Just demoing heat with a great afterburn.
I hope I can order a case of it and have it shipped to Maryland. That will allow me to toss all the other hot sauces outa my cabinet and make some more room. Definitely worth a try!