Frank's RedHot Original Cayenne

Reckitt Benckiser Inc.
AK, United States
Aged Cayenne Red Peppers, Vinegar, Water, Salt, Garlic Powder
Official: "A sauce perfectly spiced with the rich flavor of cayenne peppers.Frank's RedHot® has a great taste with heat that doesn't overpower."
User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by MaciEascra on August 1st, 2023
If this was a new sauce, it' s a boring label. As it's Frank's, well, it's iconic and instantly recognizable.
Looks like what hot sauce should look like with an orange-red color, a bit of pepper flakes and somewhat runny.
The vinegar hits you quick. Let that pass a bit and you get the garlic and just a hint of the cayenne.
For a mild sauce, and one not much on the Scoville scale, it's there. This is an accessible sauce for non-pepperheads.
I've sat in the Anchor Bar in Buffalo and Frank's is the taste a stunning majority of people would say is hot sauce. That makes it rather iconic in hot sauce land and it balances what is is (a vinegar forward Louisiana-style sauce, flavor, mild heat, accessibility) while not pretending to be what it's not in terms of heat. It's a staple and a good gateway drug for hot sauces.
Reviewed by ano1 on April 15th, 2023
The label is fairly standard, nothing special.
looks like typical cayenne sauce.
sharp vinegar smell and little else.
it tastes like salty vinegar and nothing else. the only thing I've ever put it on that was good is hashbrowns. for me, it has absolutely no other place. i find the saltiness overpowering.
lands somewhere between mayonnaise and black pepper.
i don't like this sauce. whatever seasoning might be in it is overpowered by the saltiness.
Reviewed by Quick_Man on April 10th, 2023
Nothing spectacular, but perhaps that's just because it's such an iconic label/branding.
Big fan of the deep orange tint. Only thing docking it half a point is that it is a taaaaad too runny of a consistency for a perfect score.
Another thing that, like the label, is unremarkable but certainly hits the spot. Very vinegary with not a lot of cayenne smell, but solid.
I absolutely love the taste of Frank's. My favourite way to enjoy it is to slather it on fried chicken and hash browns. The cayenne is a bit more notable in taste than in smell, although the power of the vinegar still stands out the most.
Pretty mild of a sauce. I do enjoy having a bit of mayo alongside anything I serve with this sauce, but that's more because the flavours compliment each other rather than it particularly needing something to cool it down. In terms of popular hot sauces heat (i.e; stuff you actually want to eat instead of just stuff that are hot for the sake of being hot) it feels like the halfway point between mild and medium
I am a big fan of this sauce for things like fried chicken and burgers. The only thing I've tried it on that didn't quite do it for me was scrambled eggs so far. Is it hot enough to satisfy people who love the extra extra hot stuff? Perhaps not, but as someone who likes hot sauces, there's nothing wrong with going with something mild once in a while, especially when it's nice and flavourful.
Reviewed by Jwill on September 6th, 2018
It calls itself hot sauce. This is a debateable claim.
It is a bright red standard hot sauce color. It’s a thin runny liquid like Texas Pete or Lousiana.
It smells like a bottle of white distilled vinegar
I hate it. I have consumed hot sauce since a child as my primary condiment. This and the generic US Chinese Restaurant hot sauce are the only ones I won’t consume. Frank’s wasn’t as common where I grew up as in much of the country. I didn’t have it until I was older and it’s terrible. Texas Pete, Louisiana, Trappey Bull and even generic cayenne pepper sauces are totally and completely superior to Frank’s Red Hot. It is the worst hot sauce that doesn’t contain sugar or mayonnaise. I am convinced it’s just vinegar, food coloring, salt and paprika. I know the label says cayenne but it’s not enough to even notice. Frank’s strangely has a oily quality to it which is really disgusting to me. Seeing Frank’s in a restaurant is enough for me to leave and go someone else instead or not come back. This sauce is absolutely and totally inferior to generic grocery store brand cayenne pepper sauces. Go with Texas Pete, Louisiana or Trappey Bull instead every single time. Frank’s has no place in the world. I know many many in the northern US like it because it’s what you’re used to but try another pepper sauce... any other hot sauce and I can’t imagine you’ll have any use for Frank’s afterwards. Products like this are likely why hot sauce isn’t popular in those regions. I’ve found that places where Frank’s is more common than Texas Pete or Tabasco are places where hot sauce isn’t consumed regularly or in high quantities
I’m doubtful that there is actually any cayenne here. It just tastes like paprika, salt and vinegar. I’m sure this isn’t accurate but if I had to blind taste test I would guess 0 scoval units
This stuff is the worst of the worst. It has no place in the world. Generic cayenne sauce is vastly superior. More popular similar style sauces such as Texas Pete, Louisiana or Trappey Bull are so much better. I haven’t discovered any context in which Frank is in anyway desirable. It’s not good for chicken or oysters or anything. It’s really nasty on a raw oyster and is oily for some reason. It’s like pouring red food colored white vinegar and salt on food.
Reviewed by OllieT on August 12th, 2018
Classic and iconic, if a little dated. Easy to read and recognise.
Thin sauce, dribbles out of the bottle nicely and is easily splashed over food (helped by bottle design). Lovely rich red colour with visible tiny particles of spices or peppers suspended within the sauce.
Tangy and vinegary, with not much heat. Very moreish!
Gorgeous taste. The heat is such thaat the flavour is not masked. Distinct cayenne peppery flavour. Very vinegrary, almost too much so but not quite, makes the mouth water just thinking about it. Very very tasty, pairs beautifully with scrambled eggs on toast.
Not very hot. Just hot enough to let you know you're sampling a hot sauce, but not so much as to mask the flavour. This is why Franks original is one of my favourites in fact.
An iconic sauce that is all about the taste! The heat isn't much, the aroma is a tad vinegary, the bottle/label is a bit dated.. but none of that matters when you taste this delicious hot sauce. Beautiful balance between taste and heat, which allows it to pair extremely well with otherwise fairly bland foods. My favourite pairings are with eggs, fries, chicken, and even used in some recipes like chilli and I've even had it on a salad which was yummy. Brilliant sauce that will always be in my cupboard.
Reviewed by JohnnyRingo on February 5th, 2018
kinda boring at this point, but only cause its so common place
red and hot sauce looking. you know what it is
Honestly this is just rad sauce. A little tiny bit viengary for my taste but who can complain.
medium heat. nothing to sneeze at
Great sauce. Theres a reason why everone in the world eats this stuff. Great on eggs, great on chicken, great on veggies, great on popcorn, great on ice cream (maybe). I love this sauce, so does everyone else.
Reviewed by Thurston on October 6th, 2015
A classic label. The font makes it look kind of corny but that adds to it's charm.
A pleasing orange color. Smooth, slightly viscous, flecks of peppers throughout.
Fresh cayenne peppers and vinegar.
A classic hot sauce taste. Pleasingly salty, peppery and vinegary. A simple, straightforward sauce.
Very mild. A slight tingle at the back of the throat. Adds a slight nudge to the taste buds but the heat is mellow. Should be mild enough for all comers.
This is the classic buffalo wing sauce. Tangy and salty, it immediately makes you think of that classic bar top delicacy. According to Bloomberg, this is the second most popular hot sauce in the US with a 12.3% market share. That should tell you all you need to know. For me, I always have a bottle on hand since it has a wide range of appeal no matter who is at your table.
Reviewed by chiligeorge on May 18th, 2015
Clear and to the point. Big bold 'RedHot' at the front of the bottle with a small 'Cayenne Pepper Sauce' under the original label. The back is informative and easily legible. Nothing too fancy though other than the cute little picture of the chili near the bottom of the label.
Watery, so its got a dropper top to it, and it mixes very well. Better than thick sauces. It has an appetising, thin, brick red colour. Also, you can see the individual particles of garlic in the sauce which makes it look tasty (and it is).
A gradual capsicum smell with a sharp hit of vinegar. Its somewhat an obsessive smell.
Its got a nice, round olive taste with a garlic after taste. After taste of the chili will go well with anything. Its really something with the taste. Having by itself is completely fine. I shake a lot on my food and it mixes well. Not only for the heat problem, but the taste brings me back for more. Its addictive.
Great after burn. Almost hits the spot. Not that hot though. Coming straight from Ultra Death, its not really that hot and I personally wanted it more hot (the label says Red 'Hot'), but it does the trick for taste.
Its a pretty good sauce for those who want to get into chili and enjoy it without blowing your head off. For the inexperienced consumers, this is an amazing sauce. With more experienced chiliheads (like me) its got a good taste, not quite the heat though. Even putting tons on your food wont really give you that satisfying burn. Its a very safe hot sauce. I could scull it and wont feel like my oesophagus (spelt that right on my first go) is on fire and will break out of my body.
Reviewed by macmantrl on March 21st, 2015
Unique glass bottle with familiar Frank's logo. Look like it was made in the 90s and no one decided to update it.
Very pleasant orange color. Thin and good for drenching food in it.
The smell instantly conjures up images of buffalo wings. Distinctive cayenne, vingar, and garlic scents.
Extremely salty, but mellows out when coating your food of choice. Very tangy with a hint of garlic. The perfect complement to blue cheese dressing.
Not very spicy at a all. This sauce is more about the flavor.
I love this sauce on fried foods with some blue cheese dressing and celery. It's so commonly used in buffalo wings that it's always what I reach for when I'm trying to recreate that taste. Goes great on salads too, with tomato, avocado, and blue cheese.
Reviewed by ElyssaRachel on July 19th, 2012
Memorable and gets the job done.
Not too thick or watery, just right. Color is a perfect red-hot. Kudos to them for matching the look with the brand.
Smells like it tastes, no surprises.
The perfect balance of heat and flavor. Nothing too distinctive that would have you only use on certain kinds of food or meals.
It's hot but not overwhelmingly. The purpose of this hot sauce is not to scorch your mouth or mask the taste of your food.
Coming from a very minimal hot sauce user, I must say that Frank's Hot Sauce is my favorite and have yet to find anything not great about it. The perfect compliment to sandwiches and wings, it gives just the right amount of heat and elevated flavor. My husband, on the other hand, practically uses hot sauce with every meal and loves Frank's too! I think he has a bottle in his desk drawer at work. He puts that sh*t on everything!