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This website is currently a labor of love, that I hope can stay ad-free. It needs more time
put into it for improvements and new features. There is also ongoing maintenance and administrative tasks
that take time/money; editing new listings & photos, server upgrades, monthly hosting costs, etc. Please
consider supporting the site using one of the options below. Thank you!
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What's this All About?
Welcome hot sauce lovers, chiliheads, pepper growers, and everyone else who's interested in the hot and spicy. We created this site for a few reasons:
- To provide a comprehensive and open list of every hot sauce.
- To allow anyone to rate and review hot sauces in the same manner as a wine or ale, that is not a part of a storefront.
- To give an easy way to keep a checklist of sauces that you've tried, or want to try.
- To build a community around this common passion and to support hot sauce makers / creators.
What was the last hot sauce you tried? Did it forever change you in ways that can only be expressed by song and finely crafted prose? Or would you
dismiss it with a shrug and a half-hearted nod? Register for a free account and submit your rave review.
If you just want to submit a sauce to our hot sauce list (maybe it's your own product), you can add it.
Sign up for Free, and Review a Hot Sauce