Tropical Pepper Co. - Ghost Pepper Naga Jolokia

Tropical Pepper Co.
Costa Rica
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Chili)
Naga Jolokia Peppers, Water, Salt, Acetic Acid, Garlic Pulp, Xanthan Gum
Official: "This sauce will haunt your dreams with fevered nightmares of apocalyptic horsemen dragging your soul to the burning pits of Hell. Made from the world's hottest pepper: the Naga Jolokia Ghost Pepper, never meant to cross human lips.Turn back now while there's still time...and don't were warned."
User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by Texcigar on March 3rd, 2022
all Tropical pepper company labels are cool but the bird skeleton holding two peppers in it's beak is very cool :more than one drop is suicide" "keep away from pets and children" pretty funny and sorta kinda true
deep red with orange hue and angry looking. this is sauce is not for a newbie and the cool tells you that.
aggressive fruity heat with an acidic "burn"
there is serious heat here. the peppers are ripe and fruity (just like the aroma told us) the sodium is sublime and just adds to flavor. garlic is an after note that simply builds a flavor profile
serious burn here. no flow restrictor and you can easily over pour. if you try it alone you will be a 45 second numbing on the tip of your tongue
maybe too hot for most people. although garlic does build a stronger flavor profile. this sauce is kinda of a one hit wonder. it is not hot even for experienced chili heads. but the pepper flavor is largely absent. i use it for heat intensity. beware the easy pour
Reviewed by BigFatBino on March 1st, 2021
It adequetly describes the ingredients, has an expiration date, a refrigerate afyer opening admonition, and has a few clever little taglines. Nice colors, but seems a little "busy".
Bright reddish/orange. And smooth. No "chunky bits" in there. Good enough to be dabbed directly onto the plate for decoration.
More vinegar than i would expect in the nose, but the bite does come through for the chiles.
Moderate acidity that adds great and immediate kick to a dish without overpowering it, so long as the dish can handle the acidity bounce. Use on tacos as a substitute for lemon or lime squeeze to get brightness along with the heat.
A moderate burn, that will get the sinuses loose (but not cleared out). Fades rather quickly.
This is a very versatile, flavor-enhancing choice. I would put this as a topping in mexican food or american burgers, on the plate for fish dishes, and perhaps in a cocktail like a bloody mary to enhance the warmth. Could be a grwat upgrade to a basic hot wing sauce if mounted with a little butter. Any assertive dish that would not be put off by too much vinegar presence
Reviewed by Thurston on September 27th, 2015
The Tropical Pepper Co.'s normal mascot is a toucan holding some peppers in its beak. However, this toucan is skeletonized in a nod to the name of the chili and the heat of the sauce.
It looks vibrant and fresh. A bright reddish color with a smooth uniform texture throughout. Thin but with a definite viscosity. Notably missing the oily sheen that many hotter sauces have.
A surprisingly fruity, sweet smell. Pleasantly sour notes of vinegar. Refreshingly, missing the harsh, astringent smell that many of the extract using sauces have.
A peppery sweetness. Notes of garlic and vinegar. The simple ingredients results in a clean taste, allowing the taste of the chili to shine through.
I'm not going to lie, it's intense. The burn starts quickly mid palate and lingering in the back of the throat. A long, lingering heat finish.
Once you start getting into the 6 figure scoville range, most hot sauces use pepper extracts. I don't like those types of sauces. They tend to have an oily texture, an unpleasant astringent smell and a harsh taste. None of that is present here. Since they use actual ghost chili's, its more natural and gives you more of the chili's character and flavor. While it isn't the hottest thing out there, it is plenty hot. At 500,000 scovilles, it's gonna be plenty for most chili heads. A great sauce.