Dave's Gourmet - Ultimate Insanity Hot Sauce

A4.5 / 5 1 REVIEW
Dave's Gourmet
United States
Red Habaneros, Tomato Sauce, Hot Pepper Extract, Onions, Red Chiles, Garlic, Cane Vinegar, Vegetable Oil, Xanthan Gum, Spices
Official: "The new hottest sauce in the universe is even hotter than our Insanity Sauce."User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by banjax on August 28th, 2012
Pretty understated. I would expect if someone who couldn't read picked up any of Dave's Gourmet sauces, they would have an easy time figuring out that it's a hot sauce, and a bad time if they actually tried it.
Very consistent, just thick enough that it's not runny, and just fluid enough to pour. Which is a rookie mistake. If you ever get to the point where you are considering an amount of this sauce that would need to be poured, you are going to have a bad time.
Smells delicious. I get a whiff of vinegar, and pure unbridled hate.
This stuff not only smells good, it tastes GREAT. It's gonna take me a while before I am immune enough to actually put any amount of this on a dish that would affect the flavor, but it's a mild enough flavor that it will probably go well with lots of dishes. Also worth noting, even though it's got extract in it, there isn't the usual bitterness that often comes with it. Somehow Dave has done it again.
I am giving it a 4.9, as I know there are hotter sauces out there, but for all intents and purposes this is a 5. The label says the serving size is one teaspoon. If you eat a teaspoon of this, it is an ears-ringing, tear-inducing, sweat-beading, pain-causing asshole. And yet, delicious.
Good stuff. Would definitely buy again, but probably after I try some more of Dave's other offerings. This was my first Dave's Gourmet sauce, and I would say a good one to start with.