Kaitlyn Baker's BURN Sauce

The Pepper Palace
Sevierville, TN, United States
Red Habanero, Vinegar, Capsicum, Xanthan Gum
Official: "Inspired by the song "Burn," Kaitlyn Baker's BURN Sauce is no ordinary hot sauce. With the right balance of heat and tangy flavor, this fiery liquid is the perfect complement for your favorite foods and, like the singer herself, will leave you wanting more. “Kaitlyn Baker’s BURN Sauce is as hot as the song,” says Craig Migawa, founder of The Pepper Palace. “Combining a base of Red Habanero peppers with a jolt of Chili Extract, this sauce is made to turn up the BURN..”"User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by drakebm on November 28th, 2014
The label is charming, and the name of the sauce is fitting. I was unfamiliar with Kaitlyn Baker so I did a web search to see if she was real, or a mythological figure like Aunt Jemimah. Kaitlyn's real. More importantly, the name of this sauce, "Burn," is apparently from a song she performs. Clever!
The looks are not distinguished from other hot sauces. Red, thin, and easy to pour from the bottle. This characteristic is unimportant to me.
Kaitlyn Baker's Burn Sauce has a strong Habanero odor, tempered with a slight vinegar smell. The taste is better than the smell. When I opened the bottle it didn't burn my eyes, but I knew that it would have a kick.
The Habanero flavor is strong, but it's a very good taste. In my opinion, most Habanero sauces lack any flavor other than that of the pepper. This one has an additional flavor that mitigates the strong taste of the Habanero.
It's not the hottest sauce I've ever tasted, but because of the excellent flavor I rate it about many other sauces that are hotter.
Flavor is more important than heat for me (though I can tolerate more heat than anyone I know), but this sauce has both. It was a gift from a friend who knows how much I love hot sauces, and I'm now searching for a local store that carries this sauce. I used it yesterday to add something to a rather bland Thanksgiving meal, and it was a perfect addition. I'll certainly use it on the leftovers!
Reviewed by KLAhotsauce on November 7th, 2014
Kaitlyn Baker looking right at you makes you feel compelled to keep using this hot sauce.
The sauce has a smooth texture and a fairly lightweight consistency, making it easy to use on pretty much anything.
The aroma of the habanero really screams at you when you smell this sauce. It is very potent, but in a good way that makes you want to try it.
There is a tangy yet peppery flavor that stands out, but this one certainly takes the spice level up a few notches. Overall, the flavor is good.
Extreme burn! Depending on how much heat you can handle, you only need a drop or two to get the flavors and burn of this sauce to be evident in whatever dish you are using it in.
Overall, I give this sauce an A for its flavors, smell, and spice. To me, these are the three main things I look for in a hot sauce.
Reviewed by StephenB on September 30th, 2014
The label is very attractive, but I give it a B because I think it falls a bit short in terms of information. I feel that it should explain that this sauce is "extra hot" instead of just "hot.."
This sauce is beautiful. It has a rich, deep red color and is slightly thick. It pours nicely without being overly runny.
This sauce has an invigorating smell that actually stimulates the senses. This is what habanero peppers in a bottle smell like.
I really love this sauce. It is tangy with the slight bitterness of habanero and and it packs a real bite. I am still experimenting with it, but I think it would be especially good in chili, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, homemade salsa and scrambled eggs.
There is nothing subtle about this sauce. The instant it touches your tongue, your mouth will sizzle. If you take too much at once, don't be surprise if your eyes pop out of your head. Like a fine wine, this is a "sipping sauce," designed to be savored slowly. Used wisely, it will leave a pleasant burning sensation in your mouth.
This is an excellent product for those of us who are serious about our hot sauces. I feel it is only fair to offer a word of caution: Too much can be overpowering, but when used in the right amount, it adds a nice flavor and heat. For something so hot,, Kaitlyn Baker's Burn Sauce is REALLY COOL!
Reviewed by Daryl on September 29th, 2014
Colorful, catchy label. Great name for a sauce!
The deep, orange-red color is beautiful. You can almost feel the heat, just looking at it. I also like the fact that the seeds were left in.
One whiff of this sauce and it will open your sinuses! This has a very strong and (for me) pleasant habanero aroma.
This sauce definitely has a strong habanero flavor, which I love, but it;s a little overpowering. Personally, I would like to taste a bit more vinegar and I wish the sauce had a touch of garlic, although I realize that many people don't care for garlic in their hot sauce.
Kaitlyn Baker's BURN Sauce definitely lives up to its name! This is not a sauce for the faint-hearted! Depending on the concentration, you will feel the burn in your mouth for several minutes. If you are trying it for the first time, go easy.
I saw this at Kaitlyn Baker's concert with Travis Tritt in Wise, Virginia, and bought a bottle out of curiosity. At first, I thought it was just a novelty item, but after I tried it, I realized it is a serious hot sauce that would be great in soups, chili or almost any other kind of food that needs a little extra zing. I love habanero-based sauces, and this is no exception. Personally, I wish it had a touch of garlic and a bit more vinegar, but this is an excellent sauce. It is also extremely hot, which is fine for me, but perhaps not those with more sensitive palates. Hopefully, Ms. Baker will come out with a milder version in the future.
Reviewed by beki440 on September 26th, 2014
If looks could kill, you would die from the heat coming from that girls eyes.
Great consistency and texture full of habanero.
Smells of pure hot pepper. Habanero style.
Hot hot hot! Tastes of pure habanero with a pinch of tomato. Could add flavor to any Mexican or bean meal. I bet it would make a great added spice for cheese balls for chips.
Super Hot! Can make your eyes water. Definitely for a palate that can handle fire.
Great sauce for beans and flavoring any Mexican meal. A great addition. My son loves it. He is a big fan of hot sauce and this one is his favorite.