Men Pa'w - Green Peppa Madness

Men Pa'w Gourmet Hot Sauces, LLC
Cutler Bay, FL, United States
Habanero, Datil, Jalapeño, Fatalii
Apple Cider Vinegar, Canola Oil, Olive Oil, Onions, Green Habanero Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Fatalii Peppers, Datil Peppers, Salt, Garlic, Spices
Official: "Men Pa'w is a new natural and "ORGASMIC" Gourmet Hot Sauce,a must have in the kitchen and the dining room table. Men Pa'w will revolutionize the way you eat and cook."User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by SkinnyGirlFatFood on September 25th, 2016
The wording is clever and picture looks fresh
The consistency is amazing as the flavor. The consistency is between a salsa and a hot sauce. The flavor will blow your mind
I wish they made this and I candle so I could smell it every day
In all seriousness, this is one of the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. It goes great on everything – chicken, chips, vegetables, even a spoon! I must try
I'm addicted to this hot sauce, and after a while it definitely burns. Love the heat but be cautious
This hot sauce is exactly at the label claims, orgasmic! The consistency is between a salsa and a hot sauce making it perfect on meats and vegetables or chips, maybe even a spoon! I've gotten my whole family addicted; highly recommend
Reviewed by Spicy_Sam on September 21st, 2016
Nice clean labeling that shows the ingredients in the product.
Love the thickness of the sauce, and the color is a beautiful green.
Smells just how it tastes.... delicious!
10/10 absolutely LOVE the flavor of this sauce. You can really taste all of the ingredients in every bite, in my opinion they're perfectly balanced. Their is a flavor in the sauce that really stands out but is hard to describe and honestly you have to taste it to understand what I'm talking about but just thinking about it makes my mouth water!
Nice subtle burn, not overwhelming.
I received both this and the original Men Pa'w sauce from a friend and WOW, this stuff has an AMAZING aroma and flavor. It's a Haitian style hot sauce that I found is delicious on chicken, seafood, and burgers. Also makes a great marinade for grilling. In terms of heat, this is milder than the original but still has a nice burn to it. If you haven't tried this sauce or anything from Men Pa'w you need to do your self a favor and buy a bottle or two and in no time you will be screaming MEN PA'W from the rooftops!
Reviewed by Leekj on March 8th, 2015
The labels are glossy with clear words and picture. The picture is a beautiful one,with a picture of Carline's hands full of ripe Chillies. Well done on marketing!
The consistacecy is a thick and chuncky one with a hearty texture. The color is a beautiful shade of green.
The smell will take you to a fresh garden at harvest time. All the smells of fresh green habaneros, jalapenos and fatalli peppers come through nicely.
The taste of the sauce was one with pleasant floral undertones from the chillies. It has a unique flavor that one cannot easily describe.All the fresh flavors of peppers and onions blend together very ,very well! One the best sauces I have ever encountered! !
The sauce has a nice burn that is mild at first then builds with use.the burn is a side of mouth burn that fades gradually.
I have reviewed alot of hot sauce at Leek's Hot Sauce Review , and I can say this is one of my favourites! I would highly recommend trying this hot sauce. It will take ordinary food to extraordinary food!
Reviewed by chilebeast on March 5th, 2015
Nice and vibrant labels that pop out at you and match the beautiful color of the sauce.
This is an oil based sauce and needs to be shaken up. This sauce has a wonderful consistancy and not thin or too thick
Smells incredible!! The smell of the peppers and spices is intoxicating.
Delicious!!!!!! This sauce would go great on any dish!! This sauce has a lovely pepper flavor mixed with the perfect combination of spices that will make your mouth tingle with delight.
Nice medium heat that everyone can enjoy
Awesome hot sauce!!!! I do hot sauce reviews on YouTube and I would say that carline's sauces are apsolutely delicious and have a nice enjoyable burn to them!!! You should pick yourself a bottle of the delicious hot sauce. This sauce goes great on everything. Since this is an oil based hot sauce make sure to shake it up a lot before each use. Checkout my reviews on YouTube by searching Chile beast
Reviewed by sajousart on March 5th, 2015
The label is attractive and tells the story clearly. It lists the ingredients and hides nothing.
The sauce,- bottle and label- has an attractive look and clear professional pictures of the main ingredient
It's wonderful smell which trigerrs a longing for the taste of it.
The sause tates wonderfully and does have a more 'green peppa' taste that Men Paw's red sauce. It repairs any meal and gives a 'gourmet' quality to any food to which it is added. The main ingredient clearly stands out and is not overpowered , but in fact complemented by the other spices.
The burn is unmistakable and exciting when used in moderate quantities with respect to the portion of food. It does not mask the food's flavors but in fact enhances them and brings them to life
I am a fan of hot sauces and have probabably tried most of the sauces on the market for the past 50 years. Men Paw's products are absolutely the very best I have ever tasted. I have done with this sauce more in the kitchen than most people. I have mixed it with oils , making spiced oils for egg frying etc, I have blended it with cream cheeses and butters as well. ( I have even mixed it into peanut butter with great results ) Men Paw sauces have becomes the only hot sauces I use anymore. I have given them away as gifts to freinds and have even travelled with them in my luggage for use while away. I have had it with fish, meats, vegetables and condiments. Men Paw has become 'the' sauce in my kitchen. There are no foods that it will not enhance, repair and "bring back" I have liked this sauce so much that I sought out the owner of the company to congratulate her and tell her first-hand how much I love her products. Bieng Haitian, I grew up with this wonderful taste on my grandmother's and mother's kitchen and table. Men Paw products are the best representaion of the proper use and taste of this pepper, and bring back perfect memories of the most perpect culinary creations
Reviewed by SamAndOliver on March 4th, 2015
The labeling was straight forward and accurate. The unframed text on the left panel made it a tad difficult to read some of the words, but was not impossible. Perhaps framing or containing this text may make it easier to read.
The sauce looked appetizing in the clear glass 5 oz bottle. The pour was chunky but did not spill out of the bottle too fast either. Some separation required vigorous shaking to homogenize, which is not uncommon for pepper blends. The mouthfeel was soft yet firm, not too watery and not overly chunky. This texture allowed the bread I was using to test with to grab the sauce off the plate and stay put.
The smell was an aroma of peppers and spices, it was not overpowering. There wasn't a massive vinegar bite to the aroma. It was a good blend of spice and vegetable. I must note that I tried this sauce at room temperature and not heated.
The blend of peppers certainly had a tapering end note of spices and herbs with it. While the taste lingered, it was not bitter or excessively salty, and the subtle flavors came through very well. This adds versatility.
While the Green Peppa Madness has some kick, it is short lived. I am making an note that this heat index indicated the heat level would be HOT, as seen on the bottle. The actual heat level would be, in my opinion, a medium heat at best. While heat is a subjective term, I use a habanero as the benchmark for hot. This heat level falls just short of the "Hot" mark, but not in a bad way. What is represented and what the sauce holds is a Medium heat.
When I got the bottle in the mail, I was excited to try this. I turned the bottle and flipped it around to see how the sauce's stability held up. Some separation had occurred and clogged the neck. This is common in pepper blends, especially those that have fleshy-type chile peppers. It took some shaking to clear the neck so I could pour the sauce onto the plate. The nose of the sauce is a pepper and herb aroma, inviting and not too harsh. I would suggest using this sauce to accent a blander dish to kick it up a notch. The pepper blend is a wonderful taste and has a nice mouth-feel that won't usurp the dish it's on. The heat is right down the middle of the road, which is a good thing. This is a versatile sauce that can be used on many dishes by many people without overpowering the food. My only suggestions for this sauce would be to adjust the label on the left panel to be easier to read (especially black or red text over green artwork, fade the artwork under the text box to bring the lettering forward more) and adjust the heat index and wording to indicate medium instead of hot. MEN PA'W's Green Peppa Madness is a wonderful product from a wonderful company and I would recommend this flavor and brand to anyone looking to get into hot sauces or spicy cooking.
Reviewed by jeanglsr on March 3rd, 2015
The label is very appealing and quite expressing of the expectations within the bottle.
Looks are quite attractive. It makes the packaging jumps off the shelf.
The smell tells you right of the bat what to expect.
The full bodied taste is not disappointing in terms of the expectations. Quite satisfying.
Quite pleasing. It is not so overwhelming that is makes it intolerable to the taste. However it is enough to truly enhance the overall flavor of your meal without overpowering it.
The best I have ever had. I have always enjoyed my meals with a certain degree of heat. Tobacco has been my primary go-to hot sauce until Men-Paw has come along. Now I don't eat my meals without it.
Reviewed by lover on March 2nd, 2015
The labeling is pretty awesome, i love the picture of the hot pepper they use in the sauce on the bottle, that told me they use fresh pepper. Everything is on the bottle, the nutritional chart, the ingredients and they have a small text with a information on it. it's written; The orgasmic hot sauce and it's true.
i love the texture , it is not too liquid and has a good consistency. When you put it on a spoon, you can see the oil they use in the sauce. The beautiful green color of the sauce does not make us doubt its freshness, you can see the seeds in sauce .
For the aroma now, when we open the bottle the first we smell is the unique spice she use . we really don’t know what is it but, I think they have celery powder and probably other Caribbean spice . Pepper is also presents and onions take a good place too. This perfume is very unique. You know when you smell it, you are going to have a good time.
Flavor now, what can we say when that’s perfect. First, I taste this spice again with a lot of fruity pepper and garlic. I love the texture in my mouth; we can bite in small peppers piece. I think It’s taste cardamom or something like, that’s very complex but so good. The vinegar does not take too much place and it’s the same for salt. Olive oil brings us a wonderful flavor and texture in the mouth. It’s a very pleasant sensation on my tongue. We are definitely addicted to Carline sauces. The creator use a lot of fresh ingredients like ; Apple cider vinegar, Canola oil, Olive oil, Onions, Green Habanero, Jalapeno, Water, Fatalli, Salt, Garlic, Spices, Datil Peppers and Monosodium Glutamate. First time a saw Datil Pepper, according to Wikipedia, it’s a pepper who like Habanero but with more fruity flavor and almost the same heat (100 000-300 000 scoviles).
This sauce is not so hot but, it should not be too hot if we want to appreciate all the flavor of this nectar. we have o good burn but its not destroyed all our taste buds in our mouth.
For the Flavor and overall, we give it a 10/10. For the heat a 7/10 and for labeling a 9/10. This must have sauce is perfect, I can’t say nothing else. You have to order one as soon you can. this is one of the best sauces I taste in my life. I try it with many dishes such as rice, good grilled chicken and on soup. it brings a good aroma has a broth. I bring my bottle to my work and everybody came addict to that nectar,
Reviewed by wmoore862 on March 2nd, 2015
Beautiful label. Love the color and picture of the peppers.
Nice thick, rich and slightly chunky and oily consistency. Beautiful greenish color.
The smell is just awesome! Rich and savory from the peppers and spices.
The taste is "umami" in a bottle!! Just outstanding! Man Pa'w Green Peppa Madness if one of the best hot sauces I've ever tasted.
Lower medium in heat. Nice gentle burn.
Carline Phanor of Men Pa'w Gourmet Hot Sauce has created some of the very best products I've ever tasted. The flavor of this sauce is unlike so many others on the market today. There is nothing like it!! Just outstanding savory, rich and very addictive flavor. Great on many types of food and especially good on grilled meats, fish, and ceviche!!