Men Pa'w - Reserve Special Red Sauce

Men Pa'w Gourmet Hot Sauces, LLC
Cutler Bay, FL, United States
Habanero, Cayenne, Fatalii
Apple Cider Vinegar, Canola Oil, Olive Oil, Onions, Water, Red Habanero Peppers, Chocolat Habanero Peppers, Fatalii Peppers, Spices, Salt, Orange Habanero, Cayenne Peppers, Garlic.
Official: "Men Pa'w is a new natural and "ORGASMIC" Gourmet Hot Sauce. A "Must Have" in the kitchen and the dinning room table. Men Pa'w will revolutionize the way most individuals eat and cook."User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by Leekj on March 8th, 2015
The labels are clear, easy to read. I love the picture on the label. It indices you right away to open it. Labels are smooth and well placed on the bottles.
The color is a rich red with beautiful texture. It's a thick, chucky sauce that pours slow and easy
The smell is a fresh garden smell of ripe chillies , onions and garlic. The smell had my mouth watering before I tasted it!
The taste of this sauce is just unbelievable! This is my favorite hot sauce ! The taste of freshness comes through nicely. Very rich in flavor. The taste of the apple cider comes in better tjan your typical vinegar sauce. I can't stop eating it!
The hear is slow burn that builds nicely. The more you eat the more it builds. You can adjust the heat yourself! It is a side of mouth burn that builds the more you pour....nice!
Hands down this is my favorite hot sauce. It is a great ,everyday sauce that would be good on everything! I highly recommend you buy a bottle! It will have you pouring it on anything and everthing you eat. This sauce didn't last a week at Leek's Hot Sauce Review! Well done Carline...Well done!
Reviewed by wmoore862 on March 6th, 2015
I really like the label on this sauce. Very colorful with the peppers in hand!!
A very nice thick, chunky, slightly oily, spicy looking sauce. I love the thickness and oily texture. Really sticks to food!
Amazing aroma. The spices and peppers provide a fantastic savory aroma that is extremely inviting!
When I first tasted this sauce I was blown away!! I really enjoy rich, savory, and spicy flavors....and this sauce delivered big time. It is truly a "umami" experience that people will fall in love with.
To me this sauce provides a nice medium level burn. Very nice and enjoyable!
Men Pa'w Gourmet Hot Sauce is one of my all time favoriate hot sauces. It truly is an incredible hot sauce that all should experience! Ao good on burgers, pizza, sandwiches, grilled fish, chicken, shrimp, eggs, and ceviche. Highly recommended!!
Reviewed by lover on March 5th, 2015
very beautifull label with lot of information on it. very similar to his little sister, the green Peppa madness. but that work , why change something when it work.
A very good sauce different from others with a texture that look like a puree. the beautiful reddish color shows they use fresh chillies. when you put it on a spoon, you can see the oil who separates from the sauce. this sauce is just enough thick.
when you smell the sauce, you can catch some spice like celery salt, black pepper and something else like cardamon. the apple cider vinegar not take lot of place, it just add enough acidity to the sauce. the habanero is also very present.
A very tasty sauce reminding us of haiti spices. there is inside a mountain of spicy flavor that reminde us the haitian party. the have inside a lot of ingredients such as; Apple Cider Vinegar, Canola Oil, Olive Oil, Onions, Water, Red Habanero Peppers, Chocolat Habanero Peppers, Fatalii Peppers, Spices, Salt, Orange Habanero, Cayenne Peppers, Garlic.
this sauce is very strong but it brings a good burn in our mouth. I always say, they don't need always destroys our mouth to be good.
Just one that intrigues me , is writing soul spice, I do not know what it is but on internet it' written a great assembly of spice . I think i taste curry but I am not sure 100%. ... I'll leave the mystery. Its just makes it better . The sauce is very spicy as all lovers of sauces like them. Very powerful and very fruity, plus the sauce is certified "orgasmic" and understandably so. I give it a score of 8.5 / 10. I hope we can found it in canada soon. l try to find stores that would sell it for the pleasures of our taste .
Reviewed by RedHawkPeppers on March 5th, 2015
Very nice, colorful label. Simple design showing all the pepper components of the sauce.
The texture is one of the most unique elements of this sauce. The only way I know how to describe it would be as chunky.
The spices and other aromatic ingredients are awesome!
Very unique flavor. The combination of peppers and spices bring out both an earthy and fruity element.
Good heat in this one however, I would have expected a bit more heat with Fatalii as one of the main ingredients.
This is a truly unique and delicious sauce. Unlike anything I have ever tried. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!