The Hot Sauce Boss - Miami Heat Sauce

A+4.9 / 5 1 REVIEW
The Hot Sauce Boss
Chicago, IL, United States
Guava, Mango, Coconut, Citric Acid, Xantham Gum, Potassium Sorbate
Official: "The sauce of Champions. Guava, Mango, Coconut Hot Sauce from the exotic metropolis. No Heartburn, No High Blood Pressure! The Healthy Hot Sauce with all the flavor!"User Reviews
The opinions expressed in these reviews are soley those of their author.
Reviewed by Believer on August 24th, 2015
Labeling is okay, but doesn't do the sauce that is in the bottle the justice it deserves. The outside should match the inside. Better is great and makes it exclusive.
Fantastic! Love all the colors, flavors, and consistency...the best you will find in the state of Florida!
Great! Each one has its own smell and flavor and you can taste many of the contents which help to enhance whatever it is your eating.
The best ever! Only thing I can say is to watch will get addicted to flavors that you can't find anywhere else.
Mild - Medium - Hot - They will give a person just the right amount of heat they want!
I would call myself a hot sauce queen. I can't eat anything hardly without adding something hot to it...sauce, peppers, and even my back up when I'm out Cayenne pepper. Nothing to date for me can compare to the products of the Hot Sauce Boss in Miami. I've had them all and can't pick a favorite...they're all great!!! I carry a bottle with me because nothing can beat it and it just enhances the food whether its good or bad. A meal without my Hot Sauce Boss never tastes as good as it could. If you haven't had it then your missing out and if you have, then like don't want anything else! All natural flavoring...the way all things we eat should be. Namaste