Chile Chapters
New 'Tried It' and 'Wishlist' Features Released
In addition to being able to review and add hot sauces, you now have the ability to mark them as "Tried", or add them to a "Wishlist". This lets you keep track of all the sauces you've tried, including ones that you have not reviewed.
Adding to a List

On the detail page for each hot sauce, there are two new unmistakeable buttons. Registered users can click "Tried it" to add, or remove, a sauce from their personal "Tried" list. Sauces that have already been reviewed will automatically be marked as tried. The wishlist can be used to keep track of what you'd like to try, purchase, or for anything else. Adding and removing from this list works in the same way.
View All Marked as "Tried" or "Wishlist" on Your Profile

Both lists can be viewed on your profile page. To access your profile (when logged in), go to your linked username in the header at the top of the website. You'll see any tried sauces listed underneath your reviews, and the wishlist below that.
More Updates: Large Desktop Size & More
Other needed updates have been made to the site, including a better layout for higher resolution screens. The container for the whole site now gets larger and bumps up the font size and padding, for improved readability. Additional tweaks have been made for mobile screens as well.